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“Writing meditation acts like a clear mirror, showing you what's really going on in every part of your life. It provides insights and solutions at a detailed level. When you combine it with systemic constellations, miracles can happen!” - L.J. Brown
In my practice of guiding family constellations, I consistently integrate my own method of writing meditation. I completed a two-year training in traditional family constellations in Belgium, followed by another two-year training focused on energy work, bodywork and trauma constellations. I synthesized these learnings to develop my own approach.
What sets my methodology apart is the deliberate fusion of preparatory writing, dot-line meditation, and grounding techniques. This combination brings hidden and unconscious aspects to light. Through writing, we draw trauma out from the depths of the subconscious, and with the constellations, we facilitate the healing of what has been unearthed.
"The potent blend of writing meditation and systemic constellations led to a transformative, miraculous, and enchanting inner journey. Leonie stands out in her ability to cultivate a secure space, fostering a sense of rebirth among participants. The emotional impact and healing power of her guided writing meditations are almost indescribable. Leonie guides with a commitment to the group's well-being, courageously addressing challenges, being present when necessary, and gracefully stepping back when the collective healing process takes center stage. A deep sense of respect for this unique approach! " - Arjan van O.
What is it good for? Do you bring your family? And is it something to be afraid of? Family constellations are a methodology (developed by the German Bert Hellinger) that, without many words, shows us the unconscious causes behind our behavior. It also quickly reveals the role or position we occupy in our current family or in our family of origin.
During a family constellation, it becomes clear that we are connected to our ancestors through bonds of loyalty. We carry unprocessed emotional loads and manifest them unconsciously in our own lives - sometimes with destructive consequences for us and the people around us.
I always use the following image to explain how it works. If someone tells you that you have your father's nose or your grandfather's eyes, it's easy to believe because you can see it. It is very clearly visible that we are connected to our family through physical features. However, the invisible loads (emotional loads, traumas, accidents, sorrow, loss, violence, etc.) carried within a family also work through the generations. It's not because it's never talked about that it doesn't exist!
Once the trauma beneath your blockage becomes visible, you can embark on the path of healing. After all, what is conscious can no longer be ignored. For example, suppose in a constellation your inner child appears as a fearful, stiff 4-year-old. That 4-year-old is a split-off part of you; it doesn't want to join, it's too scared or too angry, it hinders your entire flow and energy. As an adult, you are disconnected from that 4-year-old, often because you reject that part of yourself, send it away, put it on a chair or in the corner, preferably don't feel it. Once you see that 4-year-old again, can feel his or her sadness, and can take the child by the hand and embrace it, you have the solution in your hands. Step by step, with additional coaching or therapy, you can learn to take that 4-year-old by the hand again and free yourself from the vicious circle of panic attacks and stiffness.
"Thanks Leonie, for the womb space, the safety, the precisely offered words, your writing meditations, and constellations. You have the gift of encouraging people to take that extra step, so they grow in conscious BEING." - Martine De Cuyper
The following Netflix series might be something for you if you're interested in family constellations (systemic work): the Turkish series "Zeytin Agaci, Another Self."
Zeytin Agaci is Turkish for olive tree, and the tree (our roots!) plays a symbolic role throughout the story. The series tells the story of three friends who come into contact with family constellations, and are so confronted with unresolved traumas from their family past that it turns their whole lives upside down. Their experiences with systemic work are so profound that they ultimately change their lives and experience an "Other Self."
Identifying and labeling what's happening, particularly when it comes to acknowledging trauma, is crucial for finding peace. By assigning a name to it, you grant it acknowledgment and validity.
When you can recognize that your actions are influenced by your unconscious mind, perhaps by the voice of your inner 4-year-old, it provides insight into why you might be trapped in a specific behavior. This realization brings relief and instills hope because you now have a better understanding of the issue and a pathway to resolving it.
Crucial note: never ever judge your inner voices or split soul parts. In the case of the 4-year-old for example, there often resides a wealth of untapped talent and potential! Reconnecting with that part is immensely worthwhile. When the inner 4-year-old can find ease once more, it allows you to rediscover your playfulness, joy, courage, creativity, surrender, and curiosity—qualities that are inherently characteristic of the child within us!
To conclude, I'd like to share a brief excerpt from a poignant "dot" text sent to me by one of my clients. I'm sharing it with her consent. Her text beautifully demonstrates the transformative power of dot-line meditation, especially when combined with the systemic work we undertook together.
She wrote:
"(...) Oh! How I felt the power of the dot to the depth of my soul. The dot behind my story of then and then.... Dot. I put the dot, expelled bins of old energy, resisted mortal fears, felt the deep power of life, and chose! I jumped and now I'm here, in my life, jubilant with joy in my heart, full of gratitude and peace in my bones, full of eagerness to live. No longer outside myself but in the song of my own soul. (...) My blood cheers. My soul dances, and I feel the power of the dot to the tip of my toes." - Nele Germonpré
Are you eager to unravel the unconscious patterns that might be hindering your progress in life? If so, join me for a firsthand experience of constellation work through online 1:1 sessions with me. In these virtual sessions, I utilize figurines, drawings, floor anchors, and... words. You'll be intrigued by the revelations behind your choice of certain words and their specific order. A consultation takes about two to three hours.
And of course, I'm happy to pass on my knowledge and experience. During my 12-months training BEYOND, and also in my retreats, you practice working with the magical combination of writing meditation and family and trauma constellations.You learn not only to work with "family" but also with words, physical ailments, abstract concepts, soul mission, books etc.
If you're interested in the 12-months training, a retreat or an online individual consultation, the easiest thing to do is to book yourself a 30 min free call. My team will provide you with the necessary information and will answer all your questions in the best ways possible.

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Who am I?
Leonie Joanne Brown is a bestselling author, transformational coach and trainer, and a pioneer in her field. As an expert in Systemic Coaching and Book, Business and Family Constellations, she has helped thousands of individuals to break through their limitations. She lives and works on the Greek island of Icaria, worldwide known as the island of longevity. When connecting with her, it will ignite a process of profound transformation.
Systemic constellations are, alongside writing, her primary tool for igniting and supporting your transformational process. She holds the space for you as you dive deep into your roots, with respect and love for everything that wants to be seen and healed. Work with her towards a divine rebirth of your most authentic self! You’ll experience a newfound sense of liberation, all while being embraced with love and support, and empowered to grow a compelling voice and influence in the world.
Find out more about her
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